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  • Matsuura

【Product info〜商品紹介〜】


皆さんこんにちは!明け方の気温も下がり、半袖だと少し肌寒くなりました。とはいえ、日中はまだまだ暖かく汗ばむ時も。皆さま体調管理にはお気をつけください。さて、早いものでもう10月。行楽シーズンになり、休日に出かける人も多いのではありませんか? なにわ名物いちびり庵では「お出かけ」におススメの商品も取り揃えております!


このサイズなら、かばんやポケットにすっぽり。 毎日使うものだから、何枚あっても大活躍しそうです。「たこ焼きタオルはんかち」片手に大阪散策も良いかもしれませんね。 なにわ名物いちびり庵では、今回紹介した「たこやきタオルはんかち」以外にも様々な「タオル」「はんかち」を取り扱いしております。ご来店の際は、是非ご覧くださいませ!  Hello everyone! The temperature of the dawn went down, and it became a little chilly with a short sleeve. However, even during the day it is still warm and sweating. Please take care of your health condition.Well, it is early October. Is not it that there are a lot of people going out on holidays as it is an excursion season?In Our Shop, we also offer items recommended for this season! This time to introduce is "Takoyaki Towel ". It is a commodity that combines gauze and towels. It is popular with children and women, Takoyaki design which seems to be pretty, it is also perfect for gifts with practicality! For this size, it fits perfectly in bags and pockets. Because it is used every day, it seems to be a big success even if there are many sheets. In addition to the "Takoyaki Towel " introduced this time in our shop. we handle a variety of "towels" . Please visit us when you visit us!



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